Standalone Works

Drema Deoraich

About Me

I’m a writer of speculative fiction–flash, short stories, and novels in which I build fantasy worlds to populate with odd characters. My published short stories have appeared in various online magazines and will soon appear along with other unpublished shorts and a novelette in a collection that is now in the planning stages. I’m a member of the Hampton Roads Writers Group and attend their online classes and annual conferences every chance I get. I’m also a member of the Virginia Writers Club, Chesapeake Bay Writers, The Alliance of Independent Authors, and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Hampton Roads and occasionally attend classes at The Muse Writers Center in Norfolk. By day I help my attorney boss save the world one legal case at a time. When I’m not rooted to my desk and creating worlds, I can be found outside, among the trees. I love chocolate and Brussels sprouts in equal measure, and live in Southeast Virginia with my beloved husband and full-time cheerleader (He Who Shall Not Be Named, a.k.a. The Hubenstein). Two rescued feline floofballs and all my other characters ensure we’ll never grow bored.

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